I had a show 6 days before. I had tightenings on and off from 19 weeks but at 37 weeks they increased but weren't painful. They kept telling me I wasn't in labour. The day before he was born I had tightenings every 2 mins and another show and with every tightening I felt I was goung to wet myself. The night before he was born I had 'the arse' which is usually a sign of impending labour. I had a totally irrational and unreasonable rant at h as he had the football on tv . O and Isaac was born at midnight and I couldn't eat anything all that day I had no appetite at all. The consultant was quite angry I'd been sent home so many times with a transverse baby and being told I wasn't in labour when I allegedly had loads if signs. They told me at 5 I had a 'beautifully closed cervix' by 10.30 it was 3cm and 'rapidly thinning' he was born at 0010!
Re: talk to me of signs of labour...Please?